Wintry weather is upon us, and with that comes some very difficult decisions for northeast Ohio superintendents. Calling off school for inclement weather is always a difficult decision – we want our students here in class, but their safety is critical. With that in mind, we wanted to share some important information about Snow Days in the Lorain City Schools: How the Decision is Made The decision to close school is not made lightly. However, there are times when safety concerns for our students make this necessary. Factors that are considered include information about whether or not temperatures are safe for students waiting at bus stops or walking to and from school, whether or not school parking lots and sidewalks are clear and safe for both driving and walking, whether or not main roads and side streets are safe for students to walk to the bus stop or school, and whether or not the Transportation Department believes school buses can safely transport students to and from school. In addition we consult with the safety forces in the city of Lorain to see if they believe that travel is safe. We also check the forecast for the hours immediately before, during and after school. The superintendents in the area consult each other to see if they have decided to cancel classes or remain open. Making Up Missed Days of Instruction Beginning in the 2014-2015 school year, the state began considering hours in school instead of days in school when giving credit for a cancelled day. School can be closed because of bad weather, but because LCSD students attend school more than the minimum number of hours, we should not have to make up snow days at the end of the school year. Communicating Snow Days If school is called off because of bad weather, the district will notify parents and staff by robocall, text, mobile app, email, social media, and television. Click here to learn more about connecting with these resources. The official announcement will also be posted on the district’s website as an on-screen alert Parent Reminders Sometimes parents may disagree with the decision to not close school. If that is the case, parents decide whether or not to send their children to school. On the winter days in which school is in session, please be sure to send your child to school properly dressed for the weather. Hats, gloves and warm coats are often necessary even if your child is taking the bus to school. Whenever possible, students will go out for recess and similar activities when conditions are safe. In the meantime, please keep an eye on the weather and know that we will share the decision to close school as early as we are able when the forecast is questionable. Sincerely, Dr. Jeff Graham Superintendent